I like my Triumph Thunderbird. I took off all the clutter so it looks like a normal motorbike.
A tree. Well, the shadow of a tree
Logic dictates that I would have some more interests than this, but for the life of me I can't think of any. Beer, maybe? In the meantime, all this can serve as a rough layout for when I turn into a more interesting person.
If you got this far you must be at least a bit interested in finding out more about me. Here's a few of my interests. If this page faces outward toward the internet I've done something wrong...
I like wine. Love it, in fact. Mostly red Bordeaux, and their California cousins. I sometimes think wine reflects it's nationality. French wine can be a bit austere and unapproachable (it's like they're speaking a different language), but behind that is great subtlety and personality. California wines, on the other hand, are often very friendly and welcoming, but don't follow up much. Sound familiar?
I don't always drink like this, but this was a very good night. Xmas 2013. The batailley was particularly yummy.