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Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell

by John Robert Wood

I really enjoyed Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell when it came out (so much I read it twice), and was thrilled when I learnt that it was to be made into a TV mini-series. Naturally, I wanted to score it, so I re-read the book (like, five more times) just to get as deep into that world as I could, and wrote a handful of themes with the intention of pitching myself as composer. The gig went to someone else (boo), but I was proud of what I’d written, and I used the pieces to test/populate my then-pretty-empty blog.

This was, of course, a few years ago, and years pass the way they do, but over the last couple I’ve noticed the odd visitor to those blog posts, presumably from S&N fans who have googled Arabella Woodhope, or Starecross Hall or something, and it’s encouraged me to put all the pieces in one place. Maybe a few more people can hear this stuff.